Tag Archives: CSS

Reusable base CSS styles for easy responsive site structure

Don’t want a bloated framework you have to learn/master just to be able to build a robust site structure that breaks down nicely into RWD (responsive web design)? We don’t either. For most projects we use a few simple reusable CSS classes to make RWD much easier. Frameworks like HTML5 boilerplate or Zurb’s foundation are…

WordPress nav, solved: How to list child pages only for the current Parent page

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The Problem: You have a 3-tiered navigational hierarchy, like above. If you click on mainPage-a, you only want the 3 child Pages to show. But if you click to dive into Page1, you still want to show the three child Pages of mainPage-a, but also want Page1’s subpages to show, but ONLY those subpages. For…