The Focus97 Blog

Topical musings on UX design, development, web content strategy, photography, and whatever else we think of.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is Dead

Ok, SEO is not completely dead. But it’s growing old, and it’s increasingly covered in cobwebs. Troves of snake-oil salesmen vying to sell you an SEO package would like you to believe otherwise. Here’s my take: I have sat in countless meetings with clients – prospective and current, large and small – to discuss Search…

Sweet, tell me more...


Video for Operation Rainbow

New video to benefit Operation Rainbow. This is from our recent trip to Cuenca, Ecuador. Video produced in collaboration with Josh Levy, with final editing assistance from Amanda Mathson. Like and Share – Operation Rainbow needs it.

Hmm, sounds interesting...


Cuenca 2011 with Operation Rainbow

the FACE OF Operation Rainbow This is why we do this. The story behind this little boy is what makes us stop for a second and hold our breath.  His name is Roberto, and in the above image he’d been waiting in line in the hospital with his mother and father for 7 hours.  With…

Ok, show me the goods...